What If We Gave You
To Get Started With VoiceBuddy Pro Today?

Hey, we get it. Maybe VoiceBuddy Pro is a little bit out of your price range. If that’s the case, don’t worry. We’re willing to work with you because want to get the power of VoiceBuddy Pro into your hands immediately.
So here’s what we’re willing to do:
We’ll make it easier for you to get started today by adjusting the cost and we won’t remove a single thing.
That’s right. Normally other product owners will remove features for this level, but we’re going to keep it the same.
You’ll still get access to:
VoiceBuddy PRO is an Essential Upgrade to secure right now while you can… BUT… To sweeten this up even more, so that this is a complete no-brainer decision to upgrade.
These Following bonuses for VoiceBudd PRO are designed to give you even more value with VoiceBuddy while helping you to increase your income WAY MORE.
Not only did you just secure UNLIMITED Voice-Over lengths with VoiceBuddy Pro for yourself… but now you can even sell these Unlimited Length Voiceovers. But as our way of saying thanks for investing in VoiceBuddy PRO today, we’re going to automatically upgrade your license from personal ‘Pro’ to commercial ‘Pro’ at no additional charge, give you Full Rights.
Now you have NOTHING Stopping you from Charging even bigger bucks to your existing and new clients, that’ll LOVE to have everything they have narrated with the eloquence that VoiceBuddy so easily does.
Fiverr is a great way to make additional income. And doing voice-over work is one of the most popular categories on Fiverr. That’s why we’re included ‘10’ Fiverr templates for you to use immediately.
You can use these in a general way or you can use them for a specific language, gender, and more! Simply edit the template to your liking, copy and paste it into your Fiverr gig and you’re ready to start taking orders and making money!
We’re also including ‘3’ ready made sales letters that you can use to sell your services with VoiceBuddy.HIGHLY convert and you only need to add your information.
his is great for those who don’t know how to write an engaging sales letter, but want to get a site up quickly so they can take orders fast!
Just make a few edits, add your payment options, and you’re good to go!
We’ll give you ‘10’ “Fill-In-The-Blank” VSL Scripts..!!
This way you won’t have to figure out what to say. You can use these templates for yourself and future clients to make a ton of sales. These are written by a seven figure copywriter and are easy to edit.
And they’re yours at no extra charge just for becoming a VoiceBuddy member today.
In VoiceBuddy Basic which you already were wise enough to get… We provided a Bonus to overlay your VoiceBuddy Audio to ANY Vidoe you wantes… Well… Now you can easily take the Background Music that this VoiceBuddy Pro upgrade gives you already, and overlay them nice & easy over any video file, with this software app.
ON TOP of your VoiceBuddy Voice Audio. So now it’s completely buttoned up.
This way you don’t have to worry about your Voice-overs being dull with no background music to engage your viewer AND listener much further.
You simply pick the Background music you want, into this BONUS App and have it go with ANY Video of yours or clients’!
With this Bonus you’ll get Additional Video Training Module on how to Maximize the Full Potential of what VoiceBuddy Pro brings to the table for both YOU and your valued clients that are with you now and ones that’ll jump to your services in the very near future.
We teach how to secure and even price out services, while providing certain tricks in how to use VoiceBuddy Pro to the MAX.
We’ve all heard of Grammarly… right?
It’s the world famous company that specializes in “Artificial Intelligence” assisted writing. Meaning this computer system that’s progressively getting smarter has been helping MILLIONS of authors, copywriters, publishers, and editors for major newspapers and all to convey the right thoughts IN the right way.
Now it’ll be your Grammar ‘buddy’ so-to-speak.
This Google Chrome plugin will work alongside VoiceBuddy when using it in a Google Chrome Browser on PC, Mac or any other mobile device that supports Chrome.
So if you’re not the best writer in the world… don’t fret about it. Now it’ll be hard for you to ‘not be’ the best. In-Turn your Voice-Overs will be impeccably perfect. =)
This Cloud-Based “Instant” Ranking system that’s won many awards is now being provided to you ‘completely complimentary’ as a free bonus to you.
After you create all these Voice-Overs that are more than likely going to be used in a video file format in one way or the other…
Why not get your videos INSTANTLY RANKED to Page 1 of Google AND YouTube..?...so your shiny new videos with Amazing Crisp human-sounding voice-overs garner the attention they deserve?
You’re using Google AND Amazon to already maximize your success… when it comes to voices, so then Double-Up on your success by getting ranked on the 1st Page, and drive tons of Traffic to these technical gems you just created.
$27.97 onetime and $9.97/month
Unfortunately, we can’t keep this option open for long. So while we’re not removing anything from this level and offering you a discount, you will need to make a timely decision to get the discount.
Once the timer runs out on this page, this option will be removed. Then you’ll be forced to pay more.
Or lose out altogether.
As you already know, Amazon Polly and Google Wave Net are amazing text to speech solutions. But you also know that harnessing the power of these applications take an incredible amount of programming...which costs a lot of money.
Thousands upon thousands of dollars if we’re being honest.
And that’s just for development. That’s not even mentioning the cost of ongoing maintenance.
That’s why it makes sense to upgrade to VoiceBuddy Pro. For a very small investment, you can unlock features that can help bring you more revenue while lightening your workload.
And who doesn’t want that?
We do and we know you do to. So go ahead and use the button below to upgrade now and we’ll add this to your account immediately.